巻550 pt
<80~90年代のサブカルチャーを代表する鬼才・根本敬の伝説の作品群がついに電子化!!> 財産ナシ、賞罰ナシ、果報ナシ……史上最弱の男・村田藤吉とその家族が出会うありとあらゆる不条理を寓話的に描く名作『生きる』ほか、単行本未収録作を加えた400ページ超の合本より、『生きる』のみを分冊として配信。根本敬ワールドの入門編に。 【収録作品】 「生きる」-全49話
巻550 pt
<80~90年代のサブカルチャーを代表する鬼才・根本敬の伝説の作品群がついに電子化!!> 財産ナシ、賞罰ナシ、果報ナシ……史上最弱の男・村田藤吉とその家族が出会うありとあらゆる不条理を寓話的に描く名作『生きる』ほか、単行本未収録作を加えた400ページ超の合本より、「生々流転」「生きる・ミレニアム」「大つもごり」「約束」を分冊として配信。根本敬ワールドの入門編に。 ◎解説/阿部幸弘 【収録作品】 「生々流転」-全12話 「生きる・ミレニアム」「大つもごり」「約束」
巻770 pt
At long last, this underground Japanese classic has been translated into English. A seminal work of manga from the mid-1980s, Monster Men Bureiko Lullaby is a Candide-esque tale--if you can picture Candide as a mutated sperm brought to life by radioactivity. Unremittingly explicit, this is the comics equivalent of Henry Miller at his best: direct, honest and insightful while simultaneously beautiful and grotesque. Tokyo-based Takashi Nemoto, who was born in 1958, has been called the R. Crumb of Japan: Nemoto and Crumb share a similar, surreal drawing style and pessimistic, satirical stance, for which both have faced their share of negative criticism. Due to his unapologetically squalid subject matter, Nemoto has long been a controversial figure in Japan--clashing violently with mainstream Japanese morals--and is just now receiving some critical success there. Reviewers are finally looking past his gross-out humor to find far-flung influences and connections like Mark Twain, Otto Dix and Andre Masson.