Neko Pitcher

Kenji Sonishi’s “Neko Pitcher” cartoon series launched in April 2013 in the Sunday edition of The Yomiuri Shimbun. The humorous series follows the exploits of Miitaro, the first ever cat to pitch in pro baseball. The lovable moggy has gained huge popularity.
Though small, Miitaro conquers countless batters with his blazing fastballs and special “knockout” balls. However, his habits and mannerisms remain 100% feline: He likes to nap in the middle of games and often sharpen his claws on bats. His antics induce laughter every time he takes the field.
English versions of the cartoon series appear Saturdays in The Japan News, The Yomiuri Shimbun’s English-language daily.

“Neko Pitcher 1” carries cartoons No.1-34.



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  • Neko Pitcher 1



    Kenji Sonishi’s “Neko Pitcher” cartoon series launched in April 2013 in the Sunday edition of The Yomiuri Shimbun. The humorous series follows the exploits of Miitaro, the first ever cat to pitch in pro baseball. The lovable moggy has gained huge popularity. Though small, Miitaro conquers countless batters with his blazing fastballs and special “knockout” balls. However, his habits and mannerisms remain 100% feline: He likes to nap in the middle of games and often sharpen his claws on bats. His antics induce laughter every time he takes the field. English versions of the cartoon series appear Saturdays in The Japan News, The Yomiuri Shimbun’s English-language daily. “Neko Pitcher 1” carries cartoons No.1-34.
  • Neko Pitcher 2



    Kenji Sonishi’s “Neko Pitcher” cartoon series launched in April 2013 in the Sunday edition of The Yomiuri Shimbun. The humorous series follows the exploits of Miitaro, the first ever cat to pitch in pro baseball. The lovable moggy has gained huge popularity. Though small, Miitaro conquers countless batters with his blazing fastballs and special “knockout” balls. However, his habits and mannerisms remain 100% feline: He likes to nap in the middle of games and often sharpen his claws on bats. His antics induce laughter every time he takes the field. English versions of the cartoon series appear Saturdays in The Japan News, The Yomiuri Shimbun’s English-language daily. “Neko Pitcher 2” carries cartoons No.35-67.
  • Neko Pitcher 3



    Kenji Sonishi’s “Neko Pitcher” cartoon series launched in April 2013 in the Sunday edition of The Yomiuri Shimbun. The humorous series follows the exploits of Miitaro, the first ever cat to pitch in pro baseball. The lovable moggy has gained huge popularity. Though small, Miitaro conquers countless batters with his blazing fastballs and special “knockout” balls. However, his habits and mannerisms remain 100% feline: He likes to nap in the middle of games and often sharpen his claws on bats. His antics induce laughter every time he takes the field. English versions of the cartoon series appear Saturdays in The Japan News, The Yomiuri Shimbun’s English-language daily. “Neko Pitcher 3” carries cartoons No.68-101.
  • Neko Pitcher 4



    Kenji Sonishi’s “Neko Pitcher” cartoon series launched in April 2013 in the Sunday edition of The Yomiuri Shimbun. The humorous series follows the exploits of Miitaro, the first ever cat to pitch in pro baseball. The lovable moggy has gained huge popularity. Though small, Miitaro conquers countless batters with his blazing fastballs and special “knockout” balls. However, his habits and mannerisms remain 100% feline: He likes to nap in the middle of games and often sharpen his claws on bats. His antics induce laughter every time he takes the field. English versions of the cartoon series appear Saturdays in The Japan News, The Yomiuri Shimbun’s English-language daily. “Neko Pitcher 4” carries cartoons No.102-135.
  • Neko Pitcher 5



    Kenji Sonishi’s “Neko Pitcher” cartoon series launched in April 2013 in the Sunday edition of The Yomiuri Shimbun. The humorous series follows the exploits of Miitaro, the first ever cat to pitch in pro baseball. The lovable moggy has gained huge popularity. Though small, Miitaro conquers countless batters with his blazing fastballs and special “knockout” balls. However, his habits and mannerisms remain 100% feline: He likes to nap in the middle of games and often sharpen his claws on bats. His antics induce laughter every time he takes the field. English versions of the cartoon series appear Saturdays in The Japan News, The Yomiuri Shimbun’s English-language daily. “Neko Pitcher 5” carries cartoons No.136-169.
  • Neko Pitcher 6



    Kenji Sonishi’s “Neko Pitcher” cartoon series launched in April 2013 in the Sunday edition of The Yomiuri Shimbun. The humorous series follows the exploits of Miitaro, the first ever cat to pitch in pro baseball. The lovable moggy has gained huge popularity. Though small, Miitaro conquers countless batters with his blazing fastballs and special “knockout” balls. However, his habits and mannerisms remain 100% feline: He likes to nap in the middle of games and often sharpen his claws on bats. His antics induce laughter every time he takes the field. English versions of the cartoon series appear Saturdays in The Japan News, The Yomiuri Shimbun’s English-language daily. “Neko Pitcher 6” carries cartoons No.170-203.
  • Neko Pitcher 7



    Kenji Sonishi’s “Neko Pitcher” cartoon series launched in April 2013 in the Sunday edition of The Yomiuri Shimbun. The humorous series follows the exploits of Miitaro, the first ever cat to pitch in pro baseball. The lovable moggy has gained huge popularity. Though small, Miitaro conquers countless batters with his blazing fastballs and special “knockout” balls. However, his habits and mannerisms remain 100% feline: He likes to nap in the middle of games and often sharpen his claws on bats. His antics induce laughter every time he takes the field. English versions of the cartoon series appear Saturdays in The Japan News, The Yomiuri Shimbun’s English-language daily. “Neko Pitcher 7” carries cartoons No.204-237.
  • Neko Pitcher 8



    Kenji Sonishi’s “Neko Pitcher” cartoon series launched in April 2013 in the Sunday edition of The Yomiuri Shimbun. The humorous series follows the exploits of Miitaro, the first ever cat to pitch in pro baseball. The lovable moggy has gained huge popularity. Though small, Miitaro conquers countless batters with his blazing fastballs and special “knockout” balls. However, his habits and mannerisms remain 100% feline: He likes to nap in the middle of games and often sharpen his claws on bats. His antics induce laughter every time he takes the field. English versions of the cartoon series appear Saturdays in The Japan News, The Yomiuri Shimbun’s English-language daily. “Neko Pitcher 8” carries cartoons No.238-271.
  • Neko Pitcher 9



    Kenji Sonishi’s “Neko Pitcher” cartoon series launched in April 2013 in the Sunday edition of The Yomiuri Shimbun. The humorous series follows the exploits of Miitaro, the first ever cat to pitch in pro baseball. The lovable moggy has gained huge popularity. Though small, Miitaro conquers countless batters with his blazing fastballs and special “knockout” balls. However, his habits and mannerisms remain 100% feline: He likes to nap in the middle of games and often sharpen his claws on bats. His antics induce laughter every time he takes the field. English versions of the cartoon series appear Saturdays in The Japan News, The Yomiuri Shimbun’s English-language daily. “Neko Pitcher 9” carries cartoons No.272-305.
  • Neko Pitcher 10



    Kenji Sonishi’s “Neko Pitcher” cartoon series launched in April 2013 in the Sunday edition of The Yomiuri Shimbun. The humorous series follows the exploits of Miitaro, the first ever cat to pitch in pro baseball. The lovable moggy has gained huge popularity. Though small, Miitaro conquers countless batters with his blazing fastballs and special “knockout” balls. However, his habits and mannerisms remain 100% feline: He likes to nap in the middle of games and often sharpen his claws on bats. His antics induce laughter every time he takes the field. English versions of the cartoon series appear Saturdays in The Japan News, The Yomiuri Shimbun’s English-language daily. “Neko Pitcher 10” carries cartoons No.306-339.




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