Day In, Day Out

I love you. 

and I will always love this ordinary life, as long as you are in it.

Onodera and Yuki find comfort in working together at the same company for years, seeing one another as part of the daily routine - but in life, change is everpresent, unavoidable. Onodera transferring jobs throws off the cordial coworker relationship they've always had... but starts to mold it into something new.

Warm yet somber adult life yuri showcasing Rion-sensei's unique style and mastery of paneling.

※本作はRion Nomiyaの個人誌作品の電子書籍版となります。【47ページ】



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Day In, Day Outの関連漫画

「Rion Nomiya」のこれもおすすめ



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